Isaiah 40:31
“They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”
The world today seems to have gone completely out of control. It is full of chaos. It hammers at us to take as much as we can. It is always loud, and the lies are abundant. Worldly pleasures intrude upon our spirits. The ocean of life is full of waves and never any calm. All of this is to distract us from the richness of a relationship with God. Remember the world belongs to the devil but you don’t!
Now think about your daily activities. Some of you have kids running helter skelter throughout the house getting ready for school or screaming and playing after school. Some of you have jobs where you are much too busy to even take a break for lunch. There’s shopping at the crowded store. Social media is demanding that you connect with your friends or lose them. The news on TV makes it look like the world will soon come to an end. Global warming, earthquakes, train disasters, shootings! Always shouting out the next danger. The noise is deafening. And you, busy, busy, busy! All the while the only thing that really matters is, how are things with you and God?
This could lead you to think, with such an abundance of noise, God is going to have to shout even louder above all the racket. But that is never the case. Remember in 1 Kings chapter 19, Elijah is running for his life from Queen Jezebel who said she would kill him by tomorrow. He was in complete despair and asked God to take his life. He told Elijah to go stand on the mountain and God passed by him. There was a wind that broke the rocks, there was an earthquake, and then fire. But God was not in any of these phenomena. He was in the still small voice that came after.
One thing I have learned over the years, and I am sure of it. God prefers to give a whisper than use a sledgehammer. Much of our walk comes by divine direction. We can offer very little to the relationship. But what we can offer is of tremendous importance, a hearing ear and an obedient heart. We must perfect our listening skills in order to heed those quiet whispers. Our walk with God depends on it!
The old timers used to call it their ‘prayer closet’. Each of us needs that quiet place where we know there will be no interruptions between God and us. It is our sanctuary! And it is necessary! In today’s church environment, the pastor cannot teach all of us in a way that meets everyone’s needs. And to think that God will speak only to our circumstances every Sunday might be a little prideful on or part. It is up to us to seek God out. Did He not promise us that if we sought Him out, we would find Him.
Find your quiet place. Take your bible in there with you. Don’t pray for things. Ask the Lord to reveal Himself and His will to you. Then do what He says. “Seek and ye shall find!”