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Fill Your Life with Truth

Psalm 51: 6 (ESV) “Behold, you delight in truth in the inward being, and you teach me wisdom in the secret heart.”

Those of you who read my stuff know how much I love the bible. I read, I ponder, I take long drinks of insight, and devour the solid food. Those who do not read the bible mistakenly think it is full of rules and don’ts. I guarantee you it does not.

The Father is all truth. The Son is all truth. And the Spirit is all truth. I didn’t say They have truth, I said They are truth! They never lie and They never say anything to hurt us. I take the words in the bible as absolute truth. I do this without question. Now, there are things I do not understand. It is okay to question, if it is to gain an understanding of what They are saying. But it is foolish to question God as if He might have got something wrong.

So, we should see the bible as the doorway to a spiritual splendor that truly is not of this world. It is a heavenly wonder opened up for us to search within its covers. And if we delve deep, truth abounds. It will enrich our lives, and it will save our soul.

Those of you who read my stuff also know that I spent thirty plus years out in the world chasing dreams and passions. The world is only lies and incapable of telling the truth. There is no parallel between the world and God. None! The world will continue to manufacture lies in order to destroy us. And the lies will change again and again to suit the situation.

With God, His truth never changes. It is a constant we can depend on. There is freedom in His words. Real freedom. Not the world’s freedom to do whatever I feel like in the moment. But freedom that brings love, and comfort, and joy.

So, for your own sake, reject the lies of the world, and reach out and grasp truth. God has laid it out in the Book for all to not only find Him but find the peace He desires to give you as well.


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