The basic definition of phototropism is a plant’s response to light, either towards (positive phototropism) or away (negative phototropism). Obviously, this writing will have some symbolism to it.
We have a beautiful heathy plant in our entryway that we tend to move around from this spot to that spot. Or we just turn it 180 degrees in the same spot. Usually within 8-10 hours all the stems and leaves have turned and are straining towards the light again. We move the plant to exercise it so that the stems won’t get stuck in one place.
Think of our phototropic disciple. No matter where we place that individual, they will always turn towards the light of Christ. They also need movement in order for them not to get stuck in one position. All of their energy comes from the light. Without the light they would die just like our plant if we kept it in darkness. Christ is the disciple’s nourishment just like good soil, air, and water to our plant. If the light exposes something wrong in our disciple, they will not turn from the light, but allow it to feed and cleanse them. They will react positively to the dictates of the light.
Consider our negative phototropic church goer. They turn away from the light. They don’t grow, they don’t feed, and they don’t thrive. They live somewhat in a state of suspended animation, never realizing the great wonder of loving God. The people that I meet that are not stretching for the light are usually bored and tired of this life, and as God’s creation we were never meant to live like this.
Those of us who are extending ourselves towards the light of Christ have a responsibility to those who do not. Sometimes they just don’t know how wonderful a life filled with the Spirit can be. Someone sold them short on what a walk with Christ truly is. Grace is great! Mercy is great! And forgiveness is great! Let your light shine and be a beacon of hope to those hiding in the dark. Show them there is safety available if they would reach out to Christ!